Friday, June 25, 2010

Some Vintage!

On our way to the retreat last weekend Kathie and
I took the long way there and we hit quite a few garage sales.

I did not find a whole lot, but what I did, was wonderful.

Recently I have been into buying the toys that I had as a child.
So when I saw this... I had to have it. And at $5.50 not bad.

And I totally remember having this too. When I saw it
it brought back so many memories. $6.25 I know this is a lot but
it was just one of those things.

And then this for only $1.00!
I think I might alter the outside, but this inside is
so wonderful. The green silk is beautiful!

I am going to store all of the cards I made inside it.

What are some of your favorite thrift/garage sale finds?


  1. boy do i feel OLD now!! my daughter had both those toys! lol

  2. I had a collection of those FP Little People toys because I played with my nieces and nephews with them, and then my oldest son, born in 85 loved them, even though they were a choking hazard. I still love them and seeing that makes me want to start collecting them again. If I lived near you I would be in big trouble. I will enjoy your finds by visiting your blog. Love that house!


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