Monday, December 6, 2010

Warning long post ahead

I know I have not blogged for a while. So I warn you now it is a long post... it is a lot of pictures, but worth the reading.

First of all I caught my two kitties sleeping together on the couch. These boys do love each other, but not enough to do this...

Ying and Yang (real names Duncan-black, and Diesel-white).

Jon and I also found the time to hang our "S" collection. We've been collecting them for the past few years. Our favorite are the ones from old signs.

We put them up over our stairs going downstairs. We left room so our collection can expand.

Now onto the fun crafting supply shopping. Nicole and I went shopping all day Saturday to get her Christmas present for her mom. Lucky her mom loves stamping and paper.

The day before our outing it snowed 8". So Jon had to plow the driveway so Nicky could pick me up.

Jon plowing.

Nicky and I getting ready to go.

First stop Anchor Paper in Plymouth. It is a awesome place to get paper and supplies.

Ribbon aisle! I LOVE this aisle.

Nicky looking at stamps.

Nicky in the clearance paper room.

Next onto lunch at Solo Pizza. I have never been here, so I had to try it.

Nicky's Pizza- I think she got the Brickhouse with mushrooms.

My pizza. I got the Margo with sausage and onions.

Next stop, Jo-Ann's To use our coupons that expired that day.

Now for our last stop, Bakers Square.

Nicky suggested to try the Candy Cane pie. OMG, it is so good!

See, all gone. I almost licked the plate it was so good.

That was it for our outing. We left home at 11:00 and got home at 8:00. It was such a fun day. I don't find enough time to do this very often. I do need to make time for more of this. It was really really fun. Thanks Nicky!


  1. Fun day! I like that ribbon row too! WHOOT! :)

  2. awww! glad you had a good day....i bet you suffered the next day. that is what normally happens to me....good day....for three bad

  3. hey!
    you were in my neck of the woods. Love Anchor Paper. You need to try Punch Pizza in Wayzata sometime and then go to Smudges in Chanhassen.

  4. That craft store looks like heaven!!! Love your S collection! xx


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